Monday, March 25, 2013

Jeffrey A McDonald - Commercial Photographer - Photo of the Day!

…and the answer is…

…the entire rest of the building!!  

This was the Carolina Furniture Company.  Everyone here lost there jobs when it went out of business due to all of the furniture imported from China and other overseas companies.  Here are a few more images of the building.  With the exception of the next image of the reserved parking overhang, the concrete I'm standing on use to be the production floor inside the building where all the machinery used to be.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Photo of the Day!

Today's shot if of an interesting looking rooftop I found in Long Island NY.  What a beautiful setting in a concrete jungle!!

Have a GREAT DAY!!  See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Photo of the Day!

Just me and my friend on the beach at sunrise.   

I don't think I could have times this one any better. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Personal Assignment - "Photo of the Day"

Ok, I've been told that I should be doing a "Photo of the Day" everyday, so I'm making it my personal challenge.  I'll be posting one image everyday from here forth.  It may be a vacation shot, or something I am doing in the studio, but when you see it I want you to click the blue "Join This Site" button on the upper right my blog to let me know you're paying attention.  So, without further a due, here it comes…..

….Whew, that was hard work!!  I think I need a drink.  lol  See you all tomorrow!